The haze is slow to burn off on this very last day of August, 2009. Where has this month gone? Where has this SUMMER gone? It seems like only yesterday I was praising You for the beginning of our summer break from homeschooling. But today there is a definite crispness in the air that signifies autumn being just around the corner. And as I contemplate the beginning of our "school" year, I am reminded of Your word, which tells me our days are like a breath... . I remember my grandmother commenting on any given day that she just didn't know where the time had gone. This was usually in reference to how fast we were growing! And now, as I enter the autumn of my life and gaze upon my children and grandchildren, I am realizing that very same phenomenon. Time is literally flying by at warp speed and, no matter how I try, I cannot slow it down one little bit, nor can I eek out one more second. And, before I know it, I will be in Your magnificent presence and my children and grandchildren will, on some crisp, hazy pre-autumn day, contemplate this very same thing...
"That which has been is what will be, that which is done, is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." ~Ecclesiastes 1:9~
"Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow". ~Ps. 144:4~
*** Photo courtesy of Shannon Woodward