The sun is out; the birds are singing and I should be rejoicing in the fact that spring has finally arrived to the Pacific Northwest. Yet, here I am, still in my pj's and struggling to put on a happy face. How can I have a happy face, when my heart is breaking inside? I know the answer to this is Jesus. He is the answer to every question under the sun. And as I write these words, I feel His warmth and love flow over me like a hug from the inside-out. He lets me know He is in control and I need to allow Him to shoulder my burdens and my heartache...for they are HIS burdens and HIS heartache. Oh, what a gracious, loving God we serve...
"The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit." Psalm 34:18 NKJV
9 years ago
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